Hi, I'm Liv.
I’m a backend engineer who loves plants, novel solutions, reading, and learning.
I currently live in the mountains where I spend my time working remotely, training hard, and working towards a more ecologically-minded existence.
My Current Side Projects
- Reading more.
- Automation for my hydroponics garden (w / hardware)
- Re-wiring my Gaggia Classic Pro and setting it up with a microcontroller to help pull perfect shots every time.
- Building a long-distance data network using ham radio
- Using bio-sonification to take MIDI samples of various fungus in the San Juan National Forest
- Building a machine from scrap parts and setting up an alternative OS (written in Forth) on the machine with the intent of being able to accomplish basic computing from “scratch”.
- Carving out time to make contributions to some open-source projects (Exercism, RubyForGood, Magisk)
Things I’m currently learning
- Elixir
- Functional Programming
- Pragammatic and intentional programming and design
- Developing intense attention-to-detail
Favorite Books I’ve read recently
- The Pragmatic Programmer, Andy Hunt & Dave Thomas
- Grokking Algorithms, Aditya Bhargava
- Stolen Focus, Johann Hari
- Zen and The Art of Saving the Planet, Thich Nhat Hanh
- Island, Aldoux Huxley
Some of my favorite things, unordered
- Elixir
- Small, odd devices
- Mycelium
- Zen
- Skiing
- Moss